12 Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Teddy is three this year so we decided to welcome an Elf on the Shelf to our holiday fun! I have rounded up 12 Elf on the Shelf ideas I posted on my Instragram stories this month of what our elf, Milkshake, is up to daily. He’s a rotten one.

12 Fun Elf on the Shelf Ideas

We welcomed our elf the day after Thanksgiving by reading the book that came with the kit and reiterated we were not allowed to touch our elf or he would lose his magic. Teddy actually has done a great job this holiday and has loved him from a distance. T and I decided our elf would leave notes most mornings (at least for now while the boys are young). He named him Milkshake and we were off!

1. Hot Cocoa Bomb

Elf on the shelf brought a cocoa bomb

The first morning, Milkshake left us a hot cocoa bomb and this message: “I love my new name! I’m so happy Santa chose me to be your elf! I brought you a present from the North Pole! Just pour warm milk over this magic chocolate ball.”

2. Toilet Paper the Tree

Elf on the Shelf toilet papered the Christmas tree

Another day, Milkshake toilet-papered the boys’ Christmas tree in the playroom. Teddy found this one especially funny. The message read, “I love your tree! I thought it could use some more decorations! I heard toilet paper is like gold this year!” *special nod to Covid pantry-stockers 🙂

3. Outdoor Christmas Lights

We ended up purchasing new outdoor Christmas lights for the house this year, but you can use your existing lights and pull them out for your elf to find. His message read, “It’s awfully dark outside here in the country! Will you help your Dad hang these lights outside on your house so Santa can see your house better?”

4. Christmas Tree Ornaments

Fun Elf on the Shelf Ideas

This year we put a smaller Christmas tree in the playroom for the boys and it needed some love. Avenger/Superhero ornaments are $$$ so I bought a package of rubber keychains off Amazon for cheap and we made them ornaments. Teddy LOVED them.

5. Bow Climbing

Elf on the Shelf Idea: elf climbing wrapping bows up the window or wall

I taped present bows to the window and Milkshake was “rock” climbing one day.

6. Build a Snowman

Elf on the Shelf built a snowman out of TP rolls

Using construction paper and ribbon, Milkshake made a snowman out of toilet paper rolls and was hanging out in the bathroom. The snowman actually stayed there for a couple of weeks as winter decoration… ha!

7. Elf Fishing

Elf on the Shelf went fishing for goldfish in the bathroom sink

Using a toothpick as a fishing rod and floss as fishing line, Milkshake went fishing in the bathroom sink.

8. Gift a Gingerbread House

Elf on the Shelf brought a gingerbread house kit

Milkshake brought back a gingerbread house kit from the North Pole for a fun activity another day.

9. Candy Cane Hunt

Elf on the Shelf scavenger hunt for hidden candy canes

Our mischievous elf hid 12 candy canes around the house one morning.

10. Books

Elf on the Shelf reading a Christmas book

Milkshake found some of our old and new Christmas books throughout the month and read them in the playroom to some toys.

11. Bubble Bath

Elf on the Shelf Idea: bubble bath in marshmallows

We woke up one morning to Milkshake enjoying a nice bubble bath among some marshmallows.

12. Painted Rudolph Nose

Elf on the Shelf Idea: paint your child's nose red to look like Rudolph

Last but definitely not least was our favorite! Milkshake painted Teddy’s nose in the middle of the night to look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Teddy told everyone about this one for days. Also, I realized my child really does sleep like a rock… haha.

What Elf on the Shelf ideas did you create this year?

Merry Christmas everyone!

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